Anthony Casey, Grace College and Seminary
Rochelle Scheuermann, Wheaton College
In this edition, we explore a variety of topics in mission today. In an insightful article, Syrian apologist Sherene Khouri discusses the history and practice of Islamic da'wa (invitation to Islam), particularly among Muslim women. From this, she suggests how Christian women might engage Muslim women based on this understanding of da'wa. Jacob and Robert Andrews revisit the mission model of the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Jesuit, Matteo Ricci with an eye toward what might be recovered from his approach to mission. Building on the three- and four-self philosophies of mission, Phil Zarns proposes self-localizing as a means for contextualized mission practice. Reflecting on mission in the context of Mozambique, Alan Howell aims to unpack the story, skills, and strategies needed for embodying the way of Jesus in the world. Finally, moving beyond simply memorizing Scripture, Katie Frost discusses the essential values and practices for internalizing Scripture for the ministries of Scripture engagement.
This edition also features book reviews on two recently released works.
Anthony Casey, Grace College and Seminary
Rochelle Scheuermann, Wheaton College